Greg’s B-Day Bash – Waverly Brewing Company
December 29, 2016 – Waverly Brewing Company

Pictured (LtoR) Zenzele Uzoma, Smooth Wax Bar aesthetician; Meadow Stafford, Home Made personal chef; Chrissa Carlson, University of Maryland Extension smarter lunchrooms coordinator; and Samantha Wales, US FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition research microbiologist

Pictured (LtoR) Claudia Borsella, Johns Hopkins University accounting supervisor, and Beverly Regester, O’Neil Interactive paid search manager

Pictured (LtoR) Bill Puller, Blue Spark Barbershop owner/barber; and Gregory Lee, Waverly Brewing Company brewer/birthday boy

Pictured (LtoR) Joel Price, The Brewer’s Art cook; and Kim McGrath, Baltimore city school teacher

Pictured (LtoR) Eric Lowe, Design Collective architect; Brandt Huseman, Agora director of operations; and Kevin Jebbia, Maryland area human resources director

Pictured (LtoR) Lindsay Laker and Alexi K. Grote, Camp Puh’tok office manager and director of operations, respectively; and Courtney Paolino, Allied Security Trust office manager

Pictured (LtoR) Steve Stafford, Remington Properties construction manager; and Damien Deiaco, Re|Max First Choice real estate agent

Pictured (LtoR) Ryan Ellison, Collect Rx vice president of sales; Angela Ellison, The Coordinating Center service coordinator; and Damian Bohager, Food Truck Gathering founder

Pictured (LtoR) Roy Fisher, Waverly Brewing Company head brewer; and Rob Perry, The Brewer’s Art brewer
Fermenting a Fete (December 29, 2016) Who cares about the holidays, when it’s the birthday of a brewer? The Waverly Brewing Company was packed with fans and friends for the b-day of its brewer, Gregory Lee.