Network the ‘Ville – Catonsville Chamber of Commerce
February 13, 2017 – Rooster & Hen

Pictured (LtoR) Mike Romeo, Catonsville technology sales & marketing specialist; and Joe Poisal, Caton Auto Clinic director/Catonsville Chamber of Commerce vice president

Pictured (LtoR) Ronnie Polk, Just Landscaping opffice manager; Teal Cary, Catonsville Chamber of Commerce executive director; and Jackie Ryan, Catonsville Chamber of Commerce assistant to the executive director

Pictured (LtoR) Kevin Brothers, Chef Brothers Personal Service chef/owner; Beth Brigham, Commercial Insurance Managers vice president of employee benefits; and Dawn Chrystal-Wolfe, Y of Central Maryland Catonsville senior executive director

Pictured (LtoR) Kendall Skirven, Coldwell Banker realtor/Chamber board member; Glenn Butler, Catonsville Hair Company owner; and Christina Elliott, Keller Williams realtor

Pictured (LtoR) Julie Frost, Bay State Chiropractic Center practice representative for Dr. Barron; and Dennis Hayden, Zurich American Insurance Company attorney

Pictured (LtoR) Kathleen Lee, Lee Media Strategies owner/PR strategist; Scott Graham, BHealth Management CEO; and Amy Wieland, Wieland Barbecue co-owner

Pictured (LtoR) Joe McRedmond and Allison Smith, Rooster & Hen owners

Pictured (LtoR) Brandon Kostinsky, Sorrento Companies vice president; and Dan Swearingen, EmbroidMe owner
Network & Nosh (February 13, 2017) Folks from a number of Catonsville area businesses gathered at the Rooster & Hen Organic General Store for “Network the ‘Ville” – a night of networking hosted by the Catonsville Chamber of Commerce.