James Baldwin Birthday Party – James Baldwin Literary Society
August 2, 2017 – Nancy by SNAC

Pictured (LtoR) Jeannette Edmonds, James Baldwin Literary Society historian; and Kevin Brown, James Baldwin Literary Society president/founder

Pictured (LtoR) Vini Meyers, community activist; Carlton Smith, Center for Black Equity Baltimore executive director; Lonni Walker, Joy Baltimore founder/CEO; and Kay Adler, freelance photographer/activist

Pictured (LtoR) Kim Moir, Baltimore-based filmmaker; and Dankwa Brooks, Baltimore-based filmmaker

Pictured (LtoR) Gilbert Richards, retired teacher; Fred Hiser, Whitman Requardt & Associates; and Yvonne Hardy-Phillips, Baltimore-based freelance curator

Pictured (LtoR) Guy Bosworth, Baltimore City Public Schools educator; and John Milton Wesley, Baltimore City Office of Civil rights public information officer

Pictured (LtoR) Dr. Martina P. Callum, Northeast Baltimore-based primary care physician; and Keith Townes, Baltimore-based artist

Pictured (LtoR) John Paul, Baltimore-based photographer; LeVesta Jackson-Crute, Baltimore City Cancer Program public relations & community outreach representative; and Gary Downes, Baltimore-based photographer

Pictured (LtoR) Sabina Diaz, Baltimore area college student; and Willem Gould, New York-based theater director/actor

The sign on the door might have said “closed,” but Nancy by SNAC was filled to the brim with folks – to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the James Baldwin Literary Society and honor the 30th anniversary of the death of the revered writer.