BmoreArt Magazine Launch 04
September 16, 2017 – Baltimore Eagle

Pictured (LtoR) Lauren Adams, Maryland Institute College of Art professor of art; Michael Lado, Baltimore Eagle Leathers tailor; Cara Ober, BMoreArt editor; and AF Oehmke, BmoreArt communications manager

Pictured (LtoR) Chuck King and Greg King, Baltimore Eagle owners

Pictured (LtoR) Kelly Zimmerman, ZimZim LLC owner; Rachel Rock Palermo, Baltimore-based photographer/BmoreArt contributor; Erica Wunderlich, Levin Brown project architect; and Matt Fisher, Fisher Pet Care dogwalker

Pictured (LtoR) Paul Frey, Baltimore-based cartoonist; Dr. Mark McMullen, dermatologist; Jim Morrison, Gilman School chemistry teacher; and René Treviño, artist

Pictured (LtoR) Marian Glebes and Stewart Watson, Baltimore-based artists

Pictured (LtoR) Marie Lymon, LuvsArt Project vice president; and Troy Staton, LuvsArt Project founder/president

Pictured (LtoR) Daniel Schiavone and Pablo Machioli, Baltimore-based artists

Pictured (LtoR) Ibani Bridgeford, Baltimore-based clothing designer; Erricka Bridgeford, BaltimoreGirls general/Baltimore Ceasefire co-organizer; Safiyatou Edwards, creative director/hair stylist/BaltimoreGirls creator; and Michelle Shellers, Baltimore-based artist/BaltimoreGirls member/Baltimore Ceasefire co-organizer

Folks jammed the Baltimore Eagle for a night of performances, dancing, art – with cocktails on the side – as BmoreArt celebrated the release of its new print issue, which focuses on Baltimore art, artists, and art spaces that re-examine the meaning of community.