Baltimore Bourbon Club Tasting – Strong City Baltimore
December 5, 2017 – Blue Pit BBQ & Whiskey Bar

Pictured (LtoR) Nicholas Williams, Baltimore Bourbon Club president; Alan Meyer, Data Warehouse Designs owner/computer consultant; Mark Poslosky, S.E.S. Satellits graound systems engineer; and Al Comeau, CAM Ventures owner

Pictured (LtoR) Brain Ballard, Citrin Cooperman CPA; Brendan Dreitlein, Crown Trophy marketing associate; and Kevin Spargo, Computer Services Unlimited vice president of sales

Pictured (LtoR) PCA | An R.R. Donnelley Company colleagues: Samantha Schwartz, freepress specialist; and Cori Dransfield, senior account executive

Pictured (LtoR) Dan Parsons and James Pharr, Baltimore area English teachers

Pictured (LtoR) Maceo Cooper, Batlimore area teacher; James Preston, III, Baltimore-based visual artist; Gerald Pringle, L.A.-based recording artist; and James Edrington, federal government management analyst

Pictured (LtoR) Tanishia Lewis, Strong City Baltimore Adult Learning Center off site coordinator/MIS; Cathleen O’Neal, Strong City Baltimore Adult Learning Center assistant director; Philip LaCombe, Jacobs Engineering transportation planner; and Dana Murphy, Strong City Baltimore events manager/development associate

Pictured (LtoR) Regina T. Boyce, Strong City Baltimore Adult Learning Center director; and Janyelle Thomas, Baltimore-based artist/Strong City Baltimore board member

Pictured (LtoR) Eric Lumsden, University of Maryland Baltimore neurotoxicology PhD student; and Luke Horton, Baltimore-based software engineer

The evening began downstairs at Blue Pit BBQ & Whiskey Bar, then members and guests of the Baltimore Bourbon Club migrated upstairs to savor samples of several bourbons, all to benefit Strong City Baltimore.