Monument Lighting After Party – Mount Vernon Marketplace
December 7, 2017 – Mount Vernon Marketplace

Pictured (LtoR) Chyno, Baltimore food personality; and Chris Franzoni, EatmoreBaltimore eater-in-chief

Pictured (LtoR) Emily Dauses, Sheppard Pratt RN; and Melissa Walicki, All Risks, Ltd. accounts payable associate

Pictured (LtoR) Randy Coffren, Snake Hill owner; Abby Hopper, Bond Distributing Co. craft specialist; and Jimmy Crawford, Johnny Rad’s bartender

Pictured (LtoR) Janelle Johnson, Baltimore-based writer; and Deanna Collins, Under Armour social media manager/The Pretty Girls Guide lifestyle blogger

Pictured (LtoR) Marc Broady, federal government attorney; Atman Smith, Holistic Life Foundation co-founder; and Rhiannon Pichon, Under Armour styling & outfitting product manager for

Pictured (LtoR) Madison Kafer, BGE engineer; Catie Coyle, 2U placement advisor; and Hannah Shockley, CH·IV International chemical engineer; and Steph Winter, Northrop Grumman engineer

Pictured (LtoR) Emmy Federowicz, children’s yoga instructor; Margaret Mitchell, Howard High School English teacher; and Diana Desierto, Baltimore City Public Schools speech & language pathologist

Pictured (LtoR) Tina Karfgin, community volunteer; Eden Szilagyi, Towson University senior; and Sarah Acconcia, Juniper Culinary Apothecary owner

A merry mob scene at Mount Vernon Marketplace, as hundreds of folks kicked off the holidays with a monument lighting after party.