Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
Benefited Playworks Maryland
March 28, 2018 – Little Havana

The stakes were high – a glittery trophy was up for grabs – at Playworks Maryland’s “Rock Paper Scissors Tournament. The night of intense hand-to-hand competition was attended by friends and supporters of the non-profit, as well as members of its young professionals group, Power Players.

Pictured (LtoR) Joh Sedtal, Playworks Maryland Power Players board member; Megan Prutzer, Matthew A. Henson Elementary Schgool 4th grade teacher; Matthew Newmeyer, Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner forensic toxicologist; and Antonia Bongiovi, Chesapeake Bay Middle School 6th grade English teacher/tournament winner

Pictured (LtoR) Kristen Seeba, Johns Hopkins nursing student; Jackie Brown, “stay-at-home-mom-no-kids”; Michelle Dinwoodie, CohnReznick public accountant; and Daniel Seeba, CohnReznick auditor

Pictured (LtoR) Barbie Hunley, Playworks Power Players board chair; Stephanie Weaver, Playworks Maryland Power Players board member; and Alyssa Schoenleber, Frederick Elementary School kindergarten teacher

Pictured (LtoR) David Formicola, Playworks Maryland board member; Pia Sterling, Playworks Maryland board vice chair; and Kaitlin Corey, Playworks Maryland Power Players board member

Pictured (LtoR) Dennis Nelson, Senior Service America SCSEP project director Maryland; and Danielle Marshall, Playworks Maryland executive director

Pictured (LtoR) Erin Weinblatt, Baltimore area children’s play specialist; and Greg Friedman, Mindgrub software engineer

Pictured (LtoR) Playworks Maryland colleagues: Juanita Morgan, program manager; Jade Davis, program manager; and Olivia Klein, engagement specialist