Betamore Happy Hour
Hosted by Betamore
April 5, 2018 – City Garage

A little something to sip, a little something to snack and a lot of time to network were what was on the agenda at Betamore’s first happy hour of the spring.

Pictured (LtoR) Madeline Henchal, Sagamore Pendry Baltimore marketing & public relations coordinator; and Colin Daugherty, Daugherty Shoots owner

Pictured (LtoR) Ali Lord Panonni, Betamore marketing director; Brittany Popomaronis, Betamore community manager; and Kim Devine, Betamore intern

Pictured (LtoR) Michelle Gienow, front-end web developer/Betamore instructor; and Jason King, Accella president

Pictured (LtoR) Joan Cox, Peacox Design chief creative officer; Deb Hartzell, Bevel Design partner/sales & marketing director; and Anthony Cammarata, startupcannon founder/CEO

Pictured (LtoR) John Rainey, Accella vice president of business development; Kayla Jurkovich, Emmanuel Lutheran School 5th grade teacher; and Josh Jurkovich, Vektor founder/CEO

Pictured (LtoR) Lyz Levine, freelance graphic designer; Allison Pescatore, InvestEd marketing director; and George Pikounis, InvestEd lead advisor

Pictured (LtoR) Vernon Hart, freelance tech support specialist’ and Geoffrey Atkinson, Skyloupe founder/CEO