Street Style: June – Rolling in the Glow
Finally. SUN. And, with it…summer style!
We’ve been in the trenches, but the sun’s rays have heighted human energies. With skies as blue as a Tiffany box and clouds as light as cream puffs, this backdrop seemed to push couch potatoes to pursue outdoor activities with renewed vigor. On a patio outside the Four Seasons, a giant chessboard commandeered two players, as one bellowed, “King takes queen and pawns conquer all.” Not!
Gals sported fashion-forward florals, sassy stripes, and pink all over. Some construction workers kicked it up a notch. The little black dress re-emerged as a little black jumpsuit. Black and white combos provided a classic contrast to the colorful hues. As the roses bloomed – and local nature gave way like the lushness of a rainforest – fashion blossomed, as well.
Welcome, Summer.
And that’s how we roll in Baltimore!