2018 Urban Visionary Awards
The Center for Urban Families celebrated its 20th anniversary with a sold-out event at the American Visionary Art Museum.

Guests enjoyed a cocktail hour on the ground floor of AVAM’s Jim Rouse Visionary Center, before heading upstairs for dinner. The party was chaired by Michele Speaks and David Warnock, and Betsy and George Sherman.

Pictured (LtoR) Nancy Brennan, nonprofit development & management consultant; Joe Jones, Center for Urban Families president/CEO; and Sherrilyn Ifill, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund president/director-counsel/event honoree

Pictured (LtoR) Jeffrey Kent, Accomplished Art Services owner/artist; Chris Wilson, artist/social justice activist/entrepreneur; and Jamar Brown, Rosenberg Martin Greenberg associate

Pictured (LtoR) Center for Urban Families colleagues: Shirome Owens, outreach & intake specialist; Sean Purcell, facilities coordinator; Eddie Pitchford, fatherhood specialist; and Vernon Wallace, Baltimore Responsible Fatherhood Project manager

Pictured (LtoR) Eddie C. Brown, Brown Capital Management founder/chairman/CEO; and C. Sylvia Brown, community volunteer

Pictured (LtoR) Dea Thomas, Johns Hopkins Home Care Group hospital administrator; and Ben Jealous, Kapor Capital partner

Pictured (LtoR) Frank McNeil, Jr., PNC Financial Services Group community development officer; and Donald Manekin, Seawall Development co-founder

Pictured (LtoR) Michele Speaks, event co-chair; Dr. John Meyerhoff, Sinai Hospital rheumatologist; and Lenel Scrochi-Meyerhoff, community activist

Pictured (LtoR) Zakia Richburg, Annie E. Casey Foundation human resources coordinator; and Jackie Caldwell, Greater Mondawmin Coordinating Council president

Pictured (LtoR) Terry Owens, Washington DC department of transportation communications director/former CFUF board chair; Leah Abrams, L. Abrams & Co. president/CPA; and Nicolas Abrams, AJW Financial Partners certified financial planner

Pictured (LtoR) Alicia Wilson, Port Covington Development Team senior vice president of impact investments/senior legal counsel; Kirsten Allen, Port Covington Development Team impact investment associate; Jen Paulikonis, Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence president; and Page Hinerman, Community Capacity Builders president (November 13, 2018 – American Visionary Art Museum)