IMPACT, The Associated’s group of young professionals, hosted a great night of networking at the Accelerator Space. Guests enjoyed good food and drinks and great company…as well as feting the winners of The Associated’s 2019 young leadership awards and a new People’s Choice Award.
Pictured (LtoR) Adam Zimmerman, Pathfinder Law Group attorney; Joel Fink, The Zolet, Lenet, and Fink Group financial planner; and Chantelle Terrillion-Fink, Johns Hopkins University research associate
Pictured (LtoR) Stephanie Solomon, Kentucky College of Optometry student; and Shannon Stern, TBC publicist
Pictured (LtoR) Dov Hoffman, Marketing, Right Source Marketing; Katie Fink, Business Development Manager, Lorax Partnership, Adam Yosim, Public Relations, Stanton Communications
Pictured (LtoR) Jordan Schwartz, Highview Construction general contractor; Samantha Fuld, University of Maryland professor; and Mike Fuld, Stack & Store, Inc. vice president
Pictured (LtoR) Doni Greenwald, Newmark Knight Frank first vice president; and Chaya Greenwald, Baltimore-based artist
Pictured (LtoR) Bob Nusbaum, “Happily Retired”; and Arlene Nusbaum, Federal IT professional
Pictured (LtoR) Neal Fruman, National Lumber Company vice president; Rebecca Fruman, Zelda Miller Award winner; Brett Cohen, Kitchen Saver owner; and Helene Kahn, Thread director of recruitment
Pictured (LtoR) Richard Topaz, Miles & Stockbridge attorney; Heidi Topaz, Under Armour retail planner; Allie Lopato, Samuelson’s jeweler: and Nadav Spiegler, Samuelson’s jeweler