A packed house at Bar Vasquez for Baltimore Magazine’s inaugural “Baltimore GameChangers” event, honoring folks who are doing good things around Baltimore.
The get-together celebrated the first Baltimore GameChangers publication, which features local people and organizations making positive changes around Baltimore.Baltimore Magazine president Michael Teitelbaum welcomed folks to the event.Calvin Butler, Jr., Exelon senior executive vice president of Exelon/Exelon Utilities CEO, was one of the evening’s speakers who shared their personal stories and advice with the crowd.Donté L. Hickman, Sr., Pastor at Southern Baptist Church pastor, was another of the event’s speakers.Business Volunteers Maryland members with April Jones, Girls’ Empowerment Mission (GEM) alumnus (Center), who also addressed the gathering.Pictured (LtoR) Tony Foreman, Foreman Wolf CEO; and Greg Tucker, The Tucker Group founder/principal(January 28, 2020 – Bar Vasquez) Photos courtesy Baltimore Magazine & Samantha Snitzer
Sloane Brown
Baltimore's longtime fashion and social scene reporter, Sloane is the founder/managing editor of Baltimore Snap.