Face Value: Going Grey

Face Value: Going Grey

I feel like I’ve been teasing everyone with spring makeup since that one warm day in February. Sometimes you just have to slap on some bronzer and fake it til you make it, right? Just like spring….my own long-overdue makeup line has finally arrived. Just as Mother Nature is teasing us with gradually warming temperatures, Owen Michael Cosmetics will be trickling into local stores by the end of this month. And OwenMichaelCosmetics.com should be up and running by the time you next hear from me here.

However, it was “liftoff” for my line this week, on the runway at FashionEasta, the annual fashion event put on by Harbor East (and produced by my friend, Stephanie Bradshaw). MAC Cosmetics was a sponsor of the event. But – what with 60+ models involved – it was all hands on deck, including yours truly and my extra “gear!”

MAC’s Tonya Owens demonstrated the look they were going for this year – not night-time glam, but more daylight friendly.

Bronze glowy cheeks, nude pencil and peachy gloss on the lips, lightly groomed brows, no Instagram stamp, and an easy daytime grey smoky eye that was a wash of grey on lid, smudged under eye and blended into the crease with a little of their bronzer. Just mascara and liner on the top. No running on the bottom.

Did you know if you’re not sure what to put in your crease and you want the focus to be on your lid, a little bronzer instead of shadow works every time and keeps it looking daytime, not drag time?

This flattering look had to work quickly on a variety of skin tones and didn’t disappoint. Vanessa Navarro – my first model – proved she could make it still look diva-esque with her well-arched brows and adventurous spirit.

We also translated that same feel to the bridal models from the new Modern Trousseau boutique on Aliceanna.

My next model, Ashton Gardner, had more fair skin and blonde hair, but still looked great…by using less product (take note, ladies fair!) A fun side note: Ashton met her model boyfriend Aaron Huii on the runway at last year’s FashionEasta. And this year? He stopped the show to propose to her on the runway!

As for the FashionEasta fashion show itself? You could say, everything went off without a hitch…almost ?!

Back to grey skies, er, grey eyes…I gave a quick demo of the technique this week on the MyTV Baltimore BMORE Lifestyles show on my friend Sarah Antonietta. Check out the same grey cream shadow – zodiac – which can be easily be made a little more dramatic just by smudging higher on the lid . We had a limited amount of time to show how to do it, so I literally took the shadow wand and just rimmed her eye in it, skipping the pencil and working upwards. Easy peezy!

I used the same technique on Kait Bagley a little later. It’s fresh, dewy, natural yet just the right amount of polish.

This week’s lesson? This is one way you do want to go grey!

Dr. Steve Sobelman